Das Forschungsziel konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf die Vielfalt der Zeichen für die Himmelsrichtungen Norden und Osten und berücksichtigt zusätzlich einige seltene, aber innovative und avantgardistische pragmatische Verwendungen von Kompassrosen zur Anzeige der magnetischen Deklination.

Die Seekarten wurden mit Kompassrosen ergänzt, einer grafischen Struktur, die die Orientierung erleichtert und mit Loxodromen korreliert. The study has thus proved the existence of significant symbolic communication capacity of a compass rose, which was not only a utilitarian but also an artistic element.ĭiese qualitative Analyse symbolischer Elemente in der nautischen Kartographie zielt darauf ab, einen interdisziplinären Einblick in einige Aspekte frühneuzeitlicher kartographischer Darstellungen des Adriatischen Meeres zu geben. The compass roses of these nautical charts often served as symbolic evidence of the social and economic belonging of the Adriatic to the European part of the Mediterranean geographical system, as well as to the Christian sphere of tradition and influence. On the majority of the selected nautical charts, most of which were created in Mediterranean and Western European cultural centres, decorative elements such as the fleur-de-lis and the cross were used in compass roses to determine the cardinal points. The research objective focusses primarily on the variety of signs for the cardinal directions north and east, additionally considering some rare but innovative and avant-garde pragmatic uses of compass roses to indicate magnetic declination.

The nautical charts were supplemented with compass roses, a graphic structure that facilitates orientation and correlates with rhumb lines. This qualitative analysis of symbolic elements in nautical cartography aims to provide an interdisciplinary insight into some aspects of early modern cartographic representations of the Adriatic Sea.